Saturday, October 13, 2012


The time has come that I wished not to rush.  TEETH.  To be more specific, 2 teeth.  In 4 days.  Yikes.

Remember this?

I think those little suckers were brewing here. 

For the most part, Lucas wasn't too bothered by his teeth coming in. (I just think the picture above of him crying is hilariously pitiful.)  He was a little cranky at times and got snotty and drooly, but then one popped through.  He would stick his tongue out repeatedly, I think to feel his tooth on the bottom of his tongue.  It was silly.  And if that wasn't enough, 4 days later, out pops another one.  Poor guy!  So now he has his 2 bottom teeth and the little booger refuses to let me get a picture of them.  He clamps his mouth shut like an iron gate if you try to sneak a look.

Before the teeth came through, he obviously would chew on anything...including my nose.

 And now, look!  He can eat baby mum mums without solely gumming them!

Yummmm food!  You should see the boy down some cheerios.

He kept sticking his tongue out and rubbing it across his bottom teeth.  Hilarious.

I did manage to sneak a photo during a laugh...See?!  2 teeth!

2 down, many more to go.  Whew!

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