Thursday, October 11, 2012


Life pre-Lucas seems like it never really existed.  It's crazy because I find it hard to remember what it was like to not be a mom.  I got a little taste of what life used to be like on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week.  My sweet friend Taylor is getting married this weekend in Asheville, so we are using this opportunity to make a nice trip out of it.  The problem is, Brandon and I have opposing schedules in when we have off.  So Brandon headed to Asheville Tuesday afternoon with Lucas in tow because he has to be back home on Sunday.  I, however, was supposed to work Wednesday and Thursday of this week and am off until the following Wednesday.  So my plan is to head to Asheville Friday morning and go back home Tuesday evening, bringing Lucas back with me then.  So yes, we will have 2 cars in Asheville.  Make sense?

I have to admit, I got all teary-eyed when I watched Brandon and Lucas pull out of the driveway Tuesday afternoon.  Of course I will miss Brandon, but Lucas!  I haven't been apart from him for longer than a 12 hour work shift since the minute he was born!  And also the 41 weeks I carried him in my belly!  I was a nervous wreck.  I lectured Brandon on safe driving before they left (really? I've got to calm down!) and joked that he had 2 of my 3 babies with him.  (Meaning Lucas and the cooler of pumped breast milk he had to bring. My other child is the furry one, and she went to Asheville with my mom and dad the day before.)  The boys (and the milk) made it to Asheville safely and have been having a good time without me, and I actually got to head to Asheville today, on Thursday, instead of Friday since I was able to get called off of work.  But MAN I missed those boys.

I was in an empty house and it was too quiet.  I thought I would enjoy the rest and relaxation, and I did to some extent, but it was obvious that my boys and pup were missing.  I was lonesome.

I got to FaceTime with them both nights before bed and it did my soul good to see Lucas crack a huge smile when he saw my face on the computer screen.  Here is a screen shot of our date:

Life is sweeter with this little boy in it.  Brandon and I are so blessed to have such a crazy cute little munchkin.  I pulled into the driveway at Brandon's parents' house and they were waiting outside with Lucas in his stroller.  I was overwhelmed with thanksgiving as I kissed those fat cheeks and said a 'thank you' to the big Man upstairs for giving us this sweet gift.  

Here's to a fun time in the mountains!

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