Friday, October 12, 2012

7 months

7 months seems so OLD.  Now when people ask how old my son is and I have to answer "7 months," it makes me want to go run and grab Lucas and swaddle him and rock him like a newborn and make time slow down.  (Like he would let me do that anyway...he is a wild man.)  Ummm, can we say "DENIAL?!"  Yeah.

But let me tell you, Lucas is FUN.

*He is a content little boy.  Thank heavens he is pretty go with the flow...I'm pretty sure he didn't get that from me.

 * He is discovering the world.  "Grass?  What's this?  Let me eat it and find out" is his general thought process.

*He is in his big boy car seat now.  He loves it because he sits up more than he did in his carrier.

* We are discovering how to play!  He loves sitting on the floor and playing with toys.  He also loves his jumper and a walker that Nana and Poppy got him.

* He thinks his daddy is really funny.

* He thinks his mommy is pretty funny too.

* He loves Lexi.  My boy and his dog.  Nothing sweeter!

* He is learning how to melt us with those big brown eyes.

* For those of you who think that this child always smiles, here's proof that some moments aren't so great...

* Like I said, he is discovering the world! And it's so fun to watch.

* Other random facts crawling yet.  He has shown an interest in being up on his hands and knees and rocking back and forth, but most of the time that ends in him face planting on the floor.  That head is heavy!  So if he wants to get somewhere, he rolls.  Hey, works for me.  

* The screeching and squealing that he discovered last month has amplified.  He realizes now that it gets reactions out of people, so he squeals while looking innocent bystanders dead in the eyes and waiting for their reaction.  Once he gets it, squeeeallll!  Again.  It's cute now, 

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