How can it be that time already? Tomorrow is the day that I return to work. Don't get me wrong, I love my job. I'm a good nurse. I love the kiddos I take care of. I love the people I work with and the institution I work for. I'm thankful to call my coworkers my friends and for the love and support they have shown us during my pregnancy and during my time off. I'll be honest, I'm pretty nervous about going back to work. 12 hour shifts are long and hard. Before Lucas was born, those shifts often wiped me out. Now I'm going to do them on considerably less sleep...uh oh. Also, there are so many details to figure out. For those of you who know me well, you know that I'm pretty type-A. Ok, I'm really type-A. I like predictability and plans. Surprises? Not really a fan of them. So far, I think we're doing okay on scheduling plans. Brandon is in the office 2 days a week and of course on Sundays, and my work allows us to self schedule ourselves. For this first schedule, we have it worked out so Brandon will be home with Lucas on the days that I work, and one week my mom is coming to watch Lucas when we both have to work the same days. Needless to say, I'm SO thankful that we have that worked out so far. Will it always work out? I doubt it. But for now, knowing that either Brandon or my mom will be home with Lucas while I can't be is comforting. Another semi-stressful thing for me to figure out is how exactly to pump at work. Breastfeeding has been one of the most rewarding and joyful experiences of my life. It's something I want to eventually do a post on. But on those 12 hour days, Lucas will be eating from a bottle, of course. Thankfully, he does great with a bottle and I already have a good stash of milk in the freezer for him. I think it's harder on me than it is on him :) So I will pump before I leave for work, then a few times throughout the day at work. As long as I get home from work on time, I will be able to nurse him just in time for his bedtime. At work, I'm going to have to be diligent to make time to pump, even if the day is crazy busy. One of my nurse friends went so far to make sure I'm all set up to pump while at work, sending me a detailed email of how the work pump works and putting parts for me in my locker, all before I even step foot back on the floor!
I know it will be fine. And I know that Brandon will be great at home with Lucas on those long days (and send me plenty of pictures!) I love my job. And I LOVE being Lucas's mom. We'll figure out how to do both, together.
Want some pictures? I know you do! Here are a few from playtime. Enjoy!
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