Oh.my.goodness. I can't believe Lucas is 2 months old! He had his checkup yesterday and got rave reviews from his lovely pediatrician.
Drumroll please...
Weight: 13 lbs. 10 oz. (93rd percentile...hehehe.)
Length: 24 inches (70th percentile)
Head circumference: 41 cm (80th percentile)
He also got his 2 month vaccinations, which was SO hard for this peds-nurse-turned-mommy to watch. Break my heart, why don't you? He cried (screamed until his face turned purple) for the longest 5 seconds of my life until the nurse was finished and I picked him up. See his silver sparkly bandaids in the picture? Chicks dig the war wounds. For the rest of the day he was a bit fussy and sleepy. He wanted to be extra snuggly, which was ok with me. I gave him tylenol before we went to the appointment and then for the rest of the afternoon, and I think that helped some.
So what else has he been up to, you ask? Here are a few highlights:
* Clearly, the boy still loves to eat, as evidenced by the 93rd percentile weight mentioned above.
* Sleep is getting better. I plan to do a post sometime soon about how we have been getting into a sleep schedule. For now, let's just say we're making progress! (Progress, that is, when little man decides to just.give.in. and go to sleep. He's pretty darn good at fighting it.) We are down to just one nighttime feeding where I only nurse him for 3 or 4 minutes before he goes back down to sleep. Hallelujah.
* He continues to love tummy time and enjoys pushing up on his elbows to look around.
* That hair...still has mohawk tendencies.
* His eyes are still changing, sometimes they still have that baby gray color, but they are looking pretty brown more often. There are days when they have a tint of blue, but I think he's going to take after his mama and have big brown eyes.
* He has discovered his tongue, which is hilarious. He will stick it out and make lizard faces, especially in response to us sticking our tongues out.
* He's fighting a little bit of eczema on his cheeks and one spot on the inside of his right wrist. We got some hydrocortisone cream from the pediatrician yesterday and have already seen some improvement.
* We have made huge progress on bath time! Remember me saying how much he hated be naked and taking baths in this post? Well, we are past that. He actually doesn't mind hanging out in just a diaper, and baths have become enjoyable! He loves to be in the water.
* He loves hanging out in the Moby wrap or the Ergo carrier, both genius inventions that allow mommies and daddies to be productive when baby wants to be near you.
* He gets the hiccups at least twice a day, and it makes him SO mad.
* SMILES. Oh my, they make me melt into a puddle of sweetness. He is very quick to give out smiles, especially after he wakes up in the morning. When he makes eye contact, his little face lights up with happiness and a huge grin. Mornings are definitely his happiest part of the day...where did he get that from?? He wakes up smiling and cooing every day, it's incredible.
* Talking. He carries on the funniest little 'conversations' of coos and babbles. It's really amazing how he responds to you talking back to him. One of my favorite things is watching him talk to his daddy. They have the funniest little talks, I love it.
* We are well into 3 month clothes. I had to suppress sad feelings when I put away some of his newborn and 0-3 month clothes and remind myself to be thankful that he is growing so well.
* We are still in size 1 diapers, but barely. I think it will be only a matter of days before that big booty can't be contained in the 1's. We're trying to hold out until the rest of our gro-vias get shipped to us!
Lucas, you are growing up so fast. We are so proud of you and are so thankful that you bring us so much joy. We love you!!!
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