{If you're just catching up with us, be sure to check back on the previous posts for part one and part two.}
We moved to our postpartum room and shared the snuggles of our new baby girl. We knew we couldn't wait for Lucas to meet his baby sister, but I don't think anyone anticipated how absolutely precious their meeting would be. After dinner, Jon and Kelsey brought Lucas up to the room. Addy was sitting with Brandon's dad in the chair in the corner because we wanted Lucas to be able to see me and Brandon first since we hadn't seen him all day. He walked in the room and climbed up in the bed with me and before we could get our loving in on him, he immediately said "where's my baby sister?"
His eyes were scanning the room and he saw his PaPa had Addy. When he saw her, his arms went out to her and we all started sobbing.
He started talking to her so sweetly, telling her "I will share my toys with you baby Addy." He talked and talked to her and was so sweet and gentle. It was the sweetest thing I have ever seen in my life.
After everyone left, Brandon and I tried to rest. Addy was nursing every two hours and we were having to work a little harder than expected at that, but that's okay. We were still learning each other. The next morning, we were blessed to have a nurse that knew and respected our wishes to get the heck out of that hospital as soon as possible.
We FaceTimed with Lucas in the morning so he could see his baby sister. I'm so glad mom took a screen shot of her view too! It was precious. Lucas was ready to have his baby sister come home.
We had a series of tasks to check off once she turned 24 hours old before we were allowed to be released, so at 12:30 the next day we powered through our list. She got her bath, hearing screen, and newborn bloodwork drawn. She passed with flying colors, so we got our little girl dressed and went through the discharge instructions and were out of there by 3:00!
When we got home, our entire family was waiting out front for us. Brandon's parents, my parents, Lucas, Jon and Kelsey, and Farrin. Some of the most important people in our lives were waiting to welcome Addison into the family. Does my heart good.
Lucas was waiting with his present for Addy and darted to the car as soon as we came to a stop.
Lucas couldn't wait to get his hands on her. He wanted to hold her and give her the blankie he picked out for her. He wanted to kiss her and talk to her. My prayer for them is that they will always love each other unconditionally. I think we are off to a good start!
It's so good to be home. So so good. Now the fun begins!
[And just for giggles, look at these two for comparison. Obviously, Lucas in the blue, Addy in the pink. Twins? I think it's safe to say we make pretty cute kids.]
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