Saturday, June 1, 2013

lucas, meet lloyd.

I committed the cardinal sins of new mothers.

I cut Lucas's hair.

And I screamed after the snip of the bangs.
Shortly after the "incident" we went to Target.  And this is when I realized the severity of the situation. I had made my son look like Lloyd from Dumb and Dumber with one snip of the scissors.  Instant regret.

So what did I do?  I called Farrin.  

Ashley:  I did something bad.
Farrin: What did you do?
Ashley:  I cut Lucas's bangs.
Farrin:  [silence......] you.did.WHAT?! No...
Ashley:  [trying to rationalize actions....a string of incoherent panicky words......then texts Farrin above picture.] 
Farrin:  NO.  Ash.  How did you end up with scissors in your hand in the first place near your child's beautiful blonde hair?!
Ashley:  But he was so still....and I thought I could....and.....
Farrin:  Where are you?  Are you in public?  Are you in TARGET?  Go home right now and put a hat on that child.  NOW.  

It's love, really...her honesty.  And home we went, my head hung in shame.

Lesson.  Learned.  

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