Wednesday, June 12, 2013

15 months.

Lucas, you are 15 months old!  You are 100% b-o-y and like all things that make you go-go-go.  You are fascinated with the world around you and aren't afraid of anything.  [Which makes your mama afraid of everything!]  The bigger, the dirtier, and the louder the better, right?  

You had your pediatrician visit and it was the first time in the office that we had a bit of a hard time wrangling you.  You wanted to explore half naked in your diaper, running around the exam room and opening cabinets.  We answered the developmental questionnaire and again, you're right on track.  There was one question that we initially answered 'no' to, it asked something like "does your child climb on things to get to something he wants?"  And I said no because at this point, you hadn't.  Well.  By the time I was on the last page of the questionnaire, you had climbed on your diaper bag to try to get up on the seat with me.  So I went back, erased the "no" and put a "yes."  Always keeping me on my toes, aren't you little guy?
You're still a big boy. You weighed 25 pounds and you are 31.5 inches tall with a head circumference of 48 centimeters.  That puts you in the 60th percentile for pretty much everything.  Keep up the good work!  

You are a talker...all the time.  But we only understand about 15% of what you are saying.  So real words would be helpful, okay?  Anything remotely round is "BALL!"  This includes most produce in the grocery store.  You do elicit laughs from anyone shopping near us when you point to the cantaloupes and yell joyfully, BALL!!!! so that's okay. I know that you understand most of what we are saying.  You will give us sideways glances when we give you warnings that are nothing short of mischievous, and you will follow commands especially when it involves giving us kisses. Those are my favorite.  Especially when you chase Lexi around smacking your lips trying to kiss her.  I'm not sure why she won't let you.

You are very observant.  Whether it's watching a bug crawl across the sidewalk or people-watching until you get a smile, you are taking every second in.  You laugh a lot.  And it's like music to my soul.

And did I mention how handsome you are?  We hear it all the time...."he's just so cute!"  Yeah, we know.

You're a good eater (when you decide not to throw food.)  You love fruit, I'm not sure what I'm going to do when summer's over and the pickings become slim.  At the farmer's market, we went around and tasted peaches.  You would take a bite, lift up those little eyebrows, and say "mmmmmmm!!"  And the little old men trying to sell us their peaches wanted to keep you for advertisement.  I don't blame them.

You have an insane amount of energy.  You don't ever RUN.  

And you are learning to jump, which right now consists of you squealing and bouncing up and down without your feet ever leaving the floor and your arms waving in the air.  It's hilarious.

And one of your favorite things is to just be outside.  It's one of your favorite words to say..."ousiiiide!  ousiiiiide!" And you point at the door.  We won't talk about the little tantrums you have started throwing when it's time to come inside...

Lucas, I say it all the time.  We are so proud of you.  You are changing by the day and growing up into such a kid and leaving your little baby self behind.  But that's what's supposed to happen, so it's okay.  I know you love us, and I'm so thankful for each second with you.  We love you big boy!

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