Sunday, November 25, 2012

the season of giving...

Thanksgiving came and went at our house in a bit of a whirlwind.  I'll start off by letting you know that this "season of giving" concept isn't always a good thing.  Here's what went down...

We had a fun Thanksgiving week all planned out.  First, my parents were staying with us from the Saturday before Thanksgiving through Tuesday.  Then they would head to Pittsburgh to spend Thanksgiving with Jon and Kelsey.  Then Brandon's parents were staying with us from Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving, through Saturday.  So essentially we had a full week booked at the casa de Hudson for Thanksgiving festivities!  Fun, right?

Well.  I woke up Sunday morning, the day after my parents got here, with a queezy stomach.  We got up, headed to church and lunch, then I had to come home.  I felt terrible.  I proceeded to barf up my favorite meal from Jason's Deli and then spent the rest of the day curled up in the fetal position in my bed feeling like I was on death's door for the rest of the evening.  And I'm not exaggerating. Thank the Lord my parents were there, because they were able to go on gatorade runs and take care of Lucas while Brandon was at church that evening.  My mom was feeding Lucas to put him down for bed and out of my aching stupor I hear, "I need some help in here!"  I fly into Lucas's room and see/smell that he has puked.  Everywhere.  Not baby spit up, straight up grown man puke.  Y'all, it was the saddest thing I have ever seen in my life.  He proceeded to be pukey and have stinky nasty diapers for the next day or so.  Again, my dad ventured out to the drug store for more "gatorade," aka Pedialyte, this time for Lucas.  And the gift goes on...

The next day (Monday) we just rested and Lucas and I both were still a little puny. I held down chicken noodle soup and Lucas held down Pedialyte, and we thought we were in the clear.  Tuesday morning, my parents left for Pittsburgh and all was well.  Until after dinner...I hear Brandon say, "I don't feel so well."  Great.  To put it kindly, Tuesday night was r.o.u.g.h.  Brandon was up ALL night.  Sick as stink.  I was up with him, Lysol-ing behind his every move and cooling him off with cool wash cloths into the wee hours of the morning. The only saving grace was that Lucas slept all night and our commotion of Brandon running to and from the bathroom didn't wake him up.  The next morning, I ventured out for yet more gatorade while Brandon was in that familiar achy coma on the couch with instructions not to move or touch anything.  I called his parents who were scheduled to come in town later that afternoon and let them know the situation and that they were coming at their own risk.  I came home and disinfected the house from top to bottom.  And the gift goes on...

Brandon's parents came in to town and brought with them Brandon's mom's best friend, Mrs. Jessie.  We had plans to go to Angus Barn for dinner Wednesday evening for our big Thanksgiving dinner.  Then we were going to cook a low-key traditional Thanksgiving meal on Thursday.  Well, you know that Brandon still must have felt miserable because we canceled our reservations to Angus Barn.  If you know him at ALL, you know he must have really been sick for this to happen.

Wednesday evening, I get a call from my mom.  In Pittsburgh.  Her first words were "guess what?"  And I knew.  She was the next victim.  She spent Wednesday evening miserably sick at Jon and Kelsey's house (sorry, guys).

Thursday came and we had a late Thanksgiving lunch of a turkey breast, green beans, sweet potato casserole, dressing, cornbread hash, bread, pumpkin pie, and pecan pie. Everyone ate without a problem.  But....the gift goes on...

Friday morning comes and Brandon and his dad went to play golf.  I hung around the house and napped because I had to work nightshift Friday night.  Mrs. Jessie and Brandon's mom took Lucas out for lunch and came home to lounge the rest of the day.  That evening, both of them...not feeling well. Seriously?!  This is not funny anymore.  They left town Saturday morning and both were sick.

At the end of this rampage, the only unscathed bystanders were my dad and Brandon's dad, and Jon and Kelsey (but they were never in the same state as me, who started this whole mess.)

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!  [insert sarcasm here.]

And I know you guys all want pictures, but all I got was a picture of part of our table on Thanksgiving day.  Sorry, I was too busy disinfecting (to no avail) to take pictures.

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