Thursday, November 29, 2012

i like to move it move it

In the past 2 weeks, Lucas has been on a milestone-hitting-rampage.  He has started flying around the house crawling, and has decided that he would skip the whole getting himself into a sitting position from laying down and just go right to pulling to stand.

See, this pediatric nurse here knows the progression of baby milestones.  I was surprised that Lucas hadn't gotten himself into a sitting position on his own, even though he would sit up without a problem if we would sit him down.  I always thought he could do it but just was choosing not to, and I was proven to be right when Brandon called me yesterday at work to tell me that he went into Lucas's room to get him after a nap and he was standing up in his crib holding onto the side rails.  I caught him doing it on the monitor last night, and he is such a determined little fellow. When I left him in his room before this, I thought he was asleep.  Oh wrong wrong wrong.  We kept hearing a weird sound upstairs so I pulled up the monitor and this is what we saw:  Watch:

Who needs to sit when you can stand?

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