Wednesday, September 5, 2012

adventures in solid food

I have to admit, I was nervous to start Lucas on solid food.  After talking to friends with babies, I have heard about these negative experiences with solid foods and really didn't want to have that kind of experience with Lucas.  Besides, I am still breastfeeding and that is still going so well, so I didn't want to mess anything up.  So I changed my mindset about solids and decided that it is what it is.  I knew that he was getting everything he needs nutritionally from breast milk, so anything on top of that was just extra credit.  

We decided to skip the whole rice cereal thing and dive right in to something yummy.  We are making our own baby food with the help of an awesome contraption called the baby bullet.  

It's a great system that comes with a little blender, storage containers, and freezer containers.  It also comes with a really helpful book on what to do when and how to do it.  It's been very easy so far and it's good knowing that we are giving him good nutrients from good organic food and saving money at the same time.  I highly recommend it.  First up...sweet potatoes!!!  
First bite..."guys, I'm not so sure about this!"  Then he started to figure it out.
And now, more please!!!
Next up, AAAAAvocados!
We are introducing one food per week instead of the usual one food per four days rule since Lucas has had a struggle with eczema and it's link to allergies.  Both the sweet potatoes and the avocados have been a success, and Lucas is downing it like a pig.  He's eating solids twice a day and is usually drilling 2 tablespoons of food each time.  (That's twice as much as the book recommends to start out with, but hey, we have a fatty on board.)

Nana and Poppy were able to be here for Lucas's maiden voyage in solid food.  Poppy turned out to be quite the chef, whipping up sweet potatoes like it was his job.

I'm SO thankful that this has been a positive experience.  It's so surprising to me how proud I feel of out baby boy who 'gets it' when it comes to eating!  For some strange reason it's amazing to me that he now opens his mouth and leans forwards when he sees the spoon coming.  What a smart kid we have :)

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