Saturday, September 1, 2012

he sits!

Check me OUT guys!  I'm SITTING!

Lucas decided that he was ready to sit up on his own at 5 and a half months old!  He's been sitting for 5 to 10 seconds at a time for a few weeks, but then all of a sudden he got the hang of it and now can sit like a pro!  As I'm typing this, he is sitting on a blanket on the floor and has been there for 30 minutes, no problem-o. See? This is easy!  (I have pillows situated behind him just in case he decides he's too tired to keep sitting...don't want him to whack his head on the floor, you know.)

 He looks so proud of himself while he's sitting and looking around the room, appreciating this new view!  

Way to go sweet boy!

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