Monday, August 27, 2012

photo dump.

I love my iPhone.  I am always quick to snap a picture of our little guy with my phone, and for the most part, it takes pretty good pictures!  With that said, I have made a recent resolution to use our 'real' camera more often.  I was uploading some recent pictures from our DSLR and they were too cute not to share with y'all.  

First round, I like to call "Lexi, move!"

Lexi keeping a close watch

Why the camera focused on the dog and not the baby, I'll never know.
(Was NOT on purpose!)

Lexi licking toes.

Lexi licking the top of his

Ok, enough of Lexi's invasion.


Aunt Pom came to visit!!!

Toes in the mouth

Playing with his favorite owl and favorite puppy

Ok, that's all for now.  You're welcome :)

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