* He is rolling all over the place, back and forth like a little maniac. A few days ago, in the time it took me to pour a cup of coffee, he had rolled off of his play mat and kept rolling until he landed about 4 feet from it.
* He is giggling and babbling, sometimes screeching...that's fun.
* His eyes are so smiley all the time and he is the happiest baby I've ever seen!
* He is this close to sitting up by himself.
* He has learned to kick and splash in the bathtub.
* He is putting everything in his mouth.
* It is his little heart's desire to grab hold of our sweet dog. Poor Lexi. She sees those outstretched hands and heads the other direction. But if Lucas is napping on the couch, you can bet your money that Lexi is sleeping right beside him.
* He smiles and reaches for us when he sees us. Be still my heart.
* He has been rolling over onto his belly to sleep the past 2 nights. Maybe this will help our sleep problem?
* He is fascinated with toys. Rattles, links, stuffed animals, teethers, he loves them all. And they all end up in his mouth.
* He has become a hair grabber. And that also ends up in his mouth. I am getting a hair cut this week.
* He is roughly around 17 pounds of solid muscle (fat rolls).
You want pictures? I know you do. Here are a few from the past month:
Lucas, you are too much. Every little stage you are in becomes my new favorite. How is that possible? It just keeps getting better!
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