Thanks to MiMi and PaPa (Brandon's parents), we survived our first trip to the beach with a little one! We stayed with them at their timeshare at North Myrtle Beach for 3 nights. Although Lucas was awake most of the night all 3 nights, he was SO good during the daytime. And for that, we are thankful. He loved splashing in the pool and unfortunately eating sand. We carted him to various delicious seafood restaurants and he just went with the flow. He was wide eyed as he looked at the waves crashing on the beach. Seeing him discover another part of this world for the first time was pretty great. Surprisingly, he napped pretty well but the wee hours of the night were rough. We all know he's not the best sleeper in his own environment, so I wasn't too surprised that things were a little more difficult in this strange place.
Our typical day was spent first drinking coffee and lounging in the room with the sliding glass door open, listening to the waves and looking at the beach. We then would go down to the pool for a few hours and Lucas would swim and splash and then fall asleep for a while.
We'd come up for lunch and Lucas would nap again in the room, then we would head back down to the pool for some more splash time.
Then comes showers and dinner, then Lucas would go down to bed and we would watch fireworks on the beach from the balcony. Not a bad day :)
Here are some more pictures of our adventures:
staring intently at that BIG ocean |
yoga on the beach |
how do kids manage to put a fistful of sand in their mouth before you can stop them?! |
here you see Lucas eating sand...then crying because it's gross.
at the golf store playing on the putting green |
daddy is convinced Lucas will be a golfer. |
We had such a great time. Going to the beach with a baby is definitely different than it has ever been, but it was so fun. We were reminded of how fast time goes by, remembering that this time last year when we were at the beach, I had a tiny little pregnant belly and was thanking God that I had gone like 3 consecutive mornings without puking with morning sickness...finally. And thinking ahead to next year, we will have a crazy young toddler who will probably be running us ragged all around the pool and the beach. So this year, we savored every minute of our little snuggly boy, knowing that this time is passing far too quickly. Stay tuned for more pictures :)