Friday, April 27, 2012


I think good neighbors are rare.  And when I say 'good neighbors,' I don't mean the people who wave at you from the mailbox and occasionally let you borrow a cup of sugar.  I'm talking about the neighbors who care about you...who ask how you're doing and actually listen to the answer.  People who speak truth into your lives and have an impact on your family.  People who help you grow individually and as a family unit.  People who make sure you are keeping your sanity when life throws your curve balls.
We had good neighbors.  Heck, we had great neighbors!

It's been bittersweet on our street lately.  Our great neighbors across the street, the Runkles, have moved to Hillsborough.  We are so sad to see them go, but are very excited for their great new house to accomodate their growing family!  They welcomed us with open arms the day that we moved in 3 years ago, and since then we have come to call them some of our closest friends!  They have watched us grow from newlyweds to parents of a dog, then parents of a sweet baby boy. We have had some really fun times living across the street from each other, and we have enjoyed every minute of being "Mrs. Ashley and Mr. Brandon" to their kids.  It truly is an honor to be able to live life with these guys.  We have had so much fun having lunches together after church,  watching the superbowl and other TV shows together (i.e. the Bachelor/Bachelorette hehe), and just walking across the street to hang out.  Here are some highlights of the past three years in pictures:

Katelyn helping me bake cookies (with Lexi's help!)

Last year on Katelyn's 5th birthday, modeling the apron I made her

Katelyn helping Mr. Brandon rake the leaves

Kim and Daniel were lifesavers when I had a run-in with our electric hedge trimmer when I was home alone...they took me to the urgent care and stayed with me while I was getting stitched up until Brandon got there.
Every Christmas, it was a running joke (but very serious to the boys!) about having a Griswold-style Christmas.  Can't wait to see what kind of Christmas decorations they bring to Hillsborough ;)
Katelyn loves playing on our iPad with photo booth! This is one of  at least a hundred silly pictures we have of her.

Jackson and Katelyn playing in Lexi's crate (no, we did not put them in there!)
I will never forget the day we told the Runkles we were pregnant. We were at Chick-fil-a and they were giddy with excitement!  One week later, Kim and Daniel came over and told us they were pregnant too!  We were thrilled to be able to walk through this crazy stage of life together.  Our due dates were 3 weeks apart.  We were quite the sight, walking the trails together praying for labor to start!

It's a boy! And another boy!  Ben was born on March 5, and Lucas was born on March 12.

Katelyn meeting Lucas

Here they are! Love these boys!  Ben at 7 weeks old, Lucas at 6 weeks old.

Kim, Daniel, Katelyn, Jackson, and Ben, we miss you guys already!  Thank you for your friendship.  Our new neighbors have some very big shoes to fill.  You guys are such a blessing and we have been so thankful to live life alongside of you!  We love you!

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