Saturday, April 28, 2012

belly to baby (part: belly)

I am so glad that we chose to do maternity and newborn photos.  We used an incredible photographer, Crystal Weaver, who did both sets of pictures for us.  (Be sure to check her out:  Our maternity photos were taken at Mordecai Park in Raleigh when I was 36 weeks pregnant.  It's a really neat place that I never knew existed until Crystal suggested it for our pictures.  Even though it was pretty cold outside that day, we had a lot of fun!  Here are a few of our favorite maternity pictures...

Pretty amazing how that is the little face of our sweet boy.

This picture makes me laugh. Don't get me wrong, I think Brandon always looks really handsome, but we call this his Zoolander face.  There are 4 pictures like this, and you can see the intensity of his facial expression increase with each picture.  If you look at them like a flip book, it is absolutely hilarious.  He was into it. 

I am thankful to have these pictures to help us remember being pregnant.  While I was pregnant, I thought I would never be able to forget how I looked and felt during this time. But after Lucas was born, It's amazing how quickly I started to forget!  Even looking back on these pictures, it's a bit surreal.  For the most part, I loved being pregnant.  But 41 weeks of being pregnant was enough :)

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