Saturday, March 14, 2015

an excavator birthday party

When we asked Lucas what kind of birthday party he wanted this year, his first response was "a Christmas birthday party!"  I hated to pop that sweet little bubble of his, but mama shot that idea down.  So his second choice was an "excavator birthday party."  Now excavators, I can do.

I didn't realize how specific my little man was with his construction vehicles of choice.  The original invitation I picked out had a dump truck, a bulldozer, and an excavator all together.  That was not acceptable according to the very opinionated birthday boy.  Just excavators, mommy.  Okay.  So we made it happen.

We had the party at our house the weekend after his birthday.  We had family members and friends over and kept it simple with cake, icecream, presents, and a few games.  I had a lot of fun planning the details of the party, and never knew decorating with a construction theme could be so fun!  Here are a few of my favorites: 

We decorated the table with a black table cloth, yellow duct tape, and white masking tape to make a road.  Then I had a variety of construction themed paper products, a book, and of course the cake.  I made that cake, and I'm pretty darn proud of it!

My mom found the cutest construction photo booth cut out.  All of the kids took turns getting their picture made in it, except for the birthday boy.  In typical threenager fashion, he wouldn't do it for a picture.  So we stuck Addy in it!

All the kids had cute little hard hats to wear.


We set up a "wrecking ball" in the garage with a work out ball and computer boxes.  It was a hit.

We had so much fun.  So many of our closest friends came.  Grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends from church, friends from work, baby sitters, everyone.  To be surrounded by the people that love your family so well is so overwhelming.  God is good, y'all.  We are so thankful for everyone who helped us celebrate our big 3 year old!

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