Sunday, July 27, 2014

two thumbs up for big boy drawers

Potty training didn't go anywhere close to how we had planned.  We should have known better than to literally plan out the week that we were going to tackle this.  Funny thing is, it was so.much.better than we could have expected, and I consider that nothing less than a blessing from God.  

One day out of the blue a few weeks "early" Lucas said "Mommy, I don't wear diapers anymore."

Excuse me?  Then what do you suggest that we do, Mr. Independent?

"I wear my big boy drawers!!!"

Insert fear. excitement. pride. fear. dread. amazement. fear. etc.

We bought big boy drawers a while back and started talking up the whole pee peeing on the potty stuff.  We tried him in underwear a few times here and there but my busy body didn't seem ready for this yet.  So it took him straight up refusing diapers (like literally would not let me put them on) out of the blue one day for us to be thrown into a potty training vortex. There was no turning back.

With a lot of hype and a lot of pee pee dances (even with the grandparents over FaceTime)
 and a LOT of m&m's...


With the help of our friends, we had our fun along the way too.

And yes, Poppy taught him how to pee pee on a tree.  Boys.

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