Wednesday, December 11, 2013

our halls are decked.

I think that the first Christmas in a new house is always extra exciting.  With ideas flooding in your head of how to decorate, the possibilities are endless!  Then reality hits.  How exactly are we going to hang the lights like we envisioned?!  Well in our case, Brandon's dad tied a rope to him and sent him out on the roof to get to work.  I, of course, was a nervous wreck so I snapped this picture then walked away.  Ignorance is bliss, of course.

In other random crafty news, I made a wreath!

And stockings!

Remember my love for burlap stockings?  I can't believe I actually did it this year.  I love them!  Brandon's mom helped me figure them out logistically, but for the most part I did all of the sewing myself!  It's amazing how productive you can be when someone is entertaining your toddler.

Our tree was decorated with love and care (and a few not so nice words when the star and half the lights wouldn't come on.)

The little people nativity made it's debut!  Lucas loved it and was very into playing with baby Jesus.  And changing his diaper. And making Lightening McQueen kiss him.  It was a rare occasion for the angel to be on top of the stable, most of the time it was the donkey or the sheep.  Lucas got bonus points for creativity.

Brandon ended up making a new addition to our nativity.  I am in LOVE with our pallet wood stable.  
He knows me and loves me so well!

I love using scraps from the tree to bring a little Christmas to the rest of the house.

Gifts this year were wrapped simply, brown craft paper and baker's twine with the tags being cut up pieces of a tree trunk from our back yard.

Nana and Poppy brought Lucas a train for around the tree.  A definite hit!

A little garland on the banister:

And our dining room table (which I think was my favorite)

The place settings with Christmas tree folded napkins! (thank you, YouTube.)

Surprisingly, these two crazies actually behaved with all of the decorations!

Our Christmas card display:

And just because this his hilarious, this is Lucas at a tacky sweater Christmas party!

From our home to yours, MERRY CHRISTMAS!

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