Thursday, November 28, 2013

happy thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving this year was spent at our home in Raleigh with MiMi and PaPa. We were so happy they were able to come in town for a few days and spend the holiday with us and kick off the Christmas season.  We chose to forego the traditional cooking of the meal and headed to the Angus Barn!  Have you ever been there?  If not, it's magical...especially at Christmastime.  Settled in the busy heart of Brier Creek, the Angus Barn's beautiful rustic decor and unbelievable food makes you feel removed from the world and like you're in your own little beef eater's haven.  [In fact, that's exactly where their sign says you are.  mooooo.]

We had dinner down in the pavilion, which is a charming little [big] place down by the lake.  We got there early to enjoy the outdoor space.  They had a bonfire roaring in a giant fire pit and kids running around throwing footballs. We walked around by the water and attempted to get some pictures for our Christmas card.  Here's the winner:

And I'm not even going to try to put the food into words.  It was absolutely delicious. Let's just leave it at that.

And just when I thought it couldn't get any better, I saw the mini Chocolate Chess Pies.  Then I died.

 Lucas was a champ for most of dinner, but towards the end he just needed some MiMi loving.

So, would we do it again?  Buck traditional cooking and eat out for Thanksgiving?  If it's at the Angus Barn, heck to the yes.  

Happy Thanksgiving, friends!!

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