The day after Thanksgiving, we headed out in search of the perfect tree. This year was a little different from our last few Christmas tree hunts since now we are living in a different city. The first year we were married, we bought our tree at Food Lion. Yes, the grocery store. We were newlyweds and super excited for our first tree and there was a Food Lion right by our townhouse. So, winner winner! The next year, we were in our new home in Durham and found a delightful little place near our house that we bought our trees for the next 3 years from. Now we are in Raleigh and realized we needed a new and closer tree place! So we wandered around town and stumbled on Boyce Tree Farm. Perfect!
We headed over there with Brandon's parents who were still in town after Thanksgiving. Armed with warm coats, toboggan hats, and a camera, we were off! I was sure this was going to be a magical experience with our little explorer, weaving in and out of the beautiful lush green trees in search of the perfect one. Ha. Nope.
Lucas was a maniac. Running away from us, chasing the dogs, trying to climb on tractors, etc. So our trip basically involved Brandon's parents chasing Lucas around making sure he didn't die and Brandon and I trying to agree on a tree. [We are both pretty opinionated when it comes to our Christmas tree. It has to be perfect, you know?]
We again made another attempt at a little family photo, but due to really bad sun light and a crazy toddler, this is about as good as it got:
Maybe next year, Lucas will be a little more sentimental about picking out our tree. Maybe not. Merry Christmas!