Sunday, September 1, 2013

annie sloan chalk paint: kitchen cabinets [part 2]

Remember that time we painted our kitchen cabinets?  Well, I just realized we never posted the "after" pictures.  For review of part 1: see here.  Our cabinets were originally the same oak wood as our floors, so it was a lot of yellow wood on a lot of floor and a lot of cabinets.  So we decided to use Annie Sloan Chalk Paint and give our kitchen cabinets a makeover! [Excuse the terrible lighting in the pictures. One day I'll quit taking pics with my iPhone and start using my expensive camera...maybe.]

For the cabinets, we used ASCP Old White:

And our island we used ASCP French Linen:

And we LOVE it.  We didn't use wax overtop, instead we used ASCP Lacquer.  It was easier to apply and quicker, so it made for the perfect solution to our tons of cabinets.

It was a lot of work, but mainly because we couldn't knock it out by taking all of the doors off and painting them in a big assembly line.  Can you imagine living in a kitchen with no cabinet doors with a toddler?  Yeah.  No.  Would we tackle this project again?  Absolutely.  I may be slightly obsessed with all things Annie Sloan and now look for old pieces of furniture to paint during nap time.  

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