Tuesday, February 12, 2013

11 months

Big boy...almost a year!  How is it time for this monthly update already?  You are becoming more of a little boy and less of a baby every day.  It's a little scary, but it's fun to see you grow.

A few things about you...you're somewhere around 22 pounds according to our little bathroom scale.  You seem to be growing in length like a weed, quickly outgrowing your zip up pajamas. And sweet boy, you are wild.  Sometimes you resemble a tornado, flying through the house and tearing through a basket of toys in a heartbeat.  You sure do know how to make a mess, but it's okay.  It's a good thing you're cute.

You are mischievous. I'm still trying to figure out how you learned that. Like in this picture:
In the few seconds I had my eyes off of you while I was in the shower, you managed to shimmy your way over to the toilet paper in your doorway jumper.  You pulled the entire roll of toilet paper off...the entire roll.  And I couldn't even be mad at you because it was so so funny.

Your daddy sent me this picture at work, taken while he was in the shower:
 He said you started leaning, and leaning, and walked your little fit up the door frame until you were upside down.  And you just stayed there, smiling behind your pacifier until he could jump out of the shower, take a picture, then rescue you.  Was that fun?  Maybe the moral of the story is that we need a new way to entertain you while we're in the shower.

You are a FLIRT. In the grocery store, you stop people in their tracks with your smile.  You think it's necessary to wave to everyone.  And if they look at you and don't wave back, you keep waving and smiling.  And then they have no choice, because they are captivated by the cuteness and are completely under your spell, just like we are.  It makes grocery shopping fun, but more often than not, I forget to buy things that I went there for in the first place because you're so distractingly cute.

You had your first kiss this month.  Miss Tenley Mae Martin was the lucky recipient.  She's an older woman, too.
Why is it when daddy and I try to kiss you, you stiff arm us and turn away?  I understand Tenley is pretty and all, but we're your parents!  And you are so kissable.  

You are 100% boy.  Trucks, tractors, anything big and loud, you love it all.  You thought you were hot stuff on the gator at daddy's workshop.

You love to crawl in, over, and under things.  Including cabinets...
And tunnels...

And one of your favorite things to do is watch out the front door, waiting for dad to get home from work.   You and Lexi look out the door together, and for a brief moment in time you're both calm and still.  When you see your daddy, you yell (and I mean yell) DA DA DA DA! And do a little happy dance.  It melts my heart.

We bought you your first baseball hat.  And you don't mind wearing it!  I love it.  It reminds me of your Uncle J when he was a little boy.  Always wearing a hat.  It makes you look like such a little boy, with no hints of a baby left.  You wore it to the park a few days ago and kept it on the whole time, swinging and playing and riding in the stroller.

Then you wore it to dinner, but we took it off after we got to the table because that's the polite thing to do.

You want to walk.  Oh you want to walk so badly.  This is your new trick:
 Pushing the kitchen chairs around, from the table to the stove and back...twice.  You think you're hot stuff, walking around like that.  For some reason, you'd much rather push the chair than walk in your walker.

You have your front teeth coming in!  It's made sleeping and eating rough, but the snaggletooth will soon be no more!  You won't let me get a picture, but trust me...they are poked through your gums!

This morning you woke up at 6:30.  It hurt. You normally sleep until 8:00.  This collage of pictures was from this morning...Hence the coffee.

We love you more than words can say.  You are wild and crazy and sweet and lovable.  Keep being you. 

mom and dad.

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