Tuesday, January 22, 2013

yes, we're still alive.

Friends.  I'm sorry for the lack of posts in the past month.  Don't be mad, okay?  We've been busy and I promise to catch you up soon, just be patient!

I promise I'll give you the pictures and stories from Lucas's first Christmas and a little taste of southern snow and all of the other shenanigans that have been going on around here.  I do have good excuses for my absence...between Lucas cruising around here like a maniac and trying to cut a mouthful of teeth and us trying to get our house ready to put on the market and buying a new house, it's been chaos.  And yes, I said we are moving.  What?!?!  Surprise!  We're staying around here, don't worry.  Like I said, be patient and I'll fill you in when I have a second to breathe.

I'll probably back date the posts since this old blog is serving as a scrapbook type thing for our little family, so don't be confused if December posts start to pop up.  Thanks for understanding, y'all :)

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