Tuesday, January 20, 2015

addy: 2 months

It's time for our 2 month update!  At the pediatrician, Addy weighed in at 11 pounds even and was 23.25 inches tall.  That puts her in the 40th percentile for weight and 90th for length...tall and skinny just like her daddy!  She got her first big set of immunizations which totally broke my heart, but after a quick snuggle and some kisses she was just fine.  

So what else has this pretty little thing been up to, you ask?  Here are a few highlights:

* smiling...all the time.  
* cooing...all the time.
* sleeping?  nah.  She's still getting up twice during the night to eat usually around 1:30 and 4:30, then at 5:30 or 6 she acts like she wants to get up for the day.  Which is not happening.  So I lay her next to me then and we snuggle for another hour before big brother gets up.  I look back at Lucas's 2 month post and see how structured we were with him for cutting down his nighttime feedings, and we just aren't doing that with her.  I think it is a mix of her being our second baby and we just aren't that structured in general with her, and also because I feel like she's so small (at least she is compared to her moose of a brother) and I want to feed her as much as she wants.  Either way, I'm tired.
* her love for tummy time has decreased over the last few weeks.  She actually rolled from her tummy to her back (twice!) when we were at my parents house, I think from anger that she didn't want to be on her tummy more so than from her strength or development.  Either way, go girl!
* her hair (what little she has, haha) is pretty strawberry blonde, especially in the sunlight.  And her eyebrows give out an even redder hue!  We may have ourselves a little red head!  
* her eyes have lost the blue tint they were teasing us with.  I think she's going to be a little brown eyed girl...maybe hazel.  We'll see.
* she likes lounging in the bathtub.  She dangles her dainty little foot out of the sling into the water like she's floating down a river or something. It's so cute.
* she is a snuggler.  She likes to be held and rocked and worn in the moby wrap.  And I love this about her. 

Want some pictures?  Because let's be honest, that's the only reason you look at this blog, isn't it?  It's okay, I don't blame you.  Here you go!

Happy 2 months, our beautiful baby girl!  

Sunday, January 4, 2015

road trippin'

We did it.  We survived our first road trip as a family of four (plus the dog)!  On the day after Christmas, we loaded up the car and headed to Asheville.

We had the wonderful opportunity to celebrate Granny and Grandad's 60th wedding anniversary with family members from Florida, Ohio, and North Carolina.  
Granny and Grandad got to snuggle on their two youngest great grandkids, Addy and Hudson.  The other great grandkids were too busy running around like maniacs to stop and pose for pictures!

This was quite the feat...getting all of the great grandkids to look at the camera at once.  This was the best we could get!

We were able to spend time at both of our parents houses.  It was a relaxing week with good family time.

We also went to the NC Winter Light display at the arboretum.  Lucas loved running through the lights!

We also went to a drive through Christmas light display at the fair grounds, and it was seriously unbelievable. 

Our sweet Addy girl gave out smiles left and right and was completely doted on everywhere we went.

We went to dinner at Wicked Weed one night, and as we were getting up from the table to leave this sweet man walked by and Lucas pointed at him and said "SANTA!" He stopped to talk to Lucas and was totally playing the part.  And the best part was that this man was so Asheville. He was about to drink a beer and his white beard was in a foot long braid.  Love it.

We watched a lot of football (and were heart broken over Bama's loss.  Boo.)

And to top off our first road trip as a family of 4, we bought a car!  No, seriously, we did.  Our ah-ha moment came when we snapped that first picture of our highlander with junk loaded to the top for a simple week long trip.  After Brandon tried to convince me to graduate to a minivan and failed miserably (sorry, minivan moms...I just can't.) we found a great deal on a yukon that gives us the extra room we need.  So we traded in the highlander and came home in this baby.  My new swagger wagon. 

So we put this first road trip down as a win in the book.  Until next time, Asheville!