Monday, June 8, 2015

let's play catch up...

Y'all.  I'm so behind on this thing.  And I'm ashamed.  It's a bit overwhelming to go and try to catch up on everything that has been going on in cute pictures, so I'm just going to throw them all in here and give you the cliff note version.  

First up.  There has been so much sibling love going on around here.  My heart leaps when I see these two loving each other, and I pray that they will stay best friends forever.

Addy loves to grab things and put everything in her mouth right now and Lucas loves it.  He thinks it's hilarious when she grabs his face and she just giggles when she does it.

Also.  two naked cute babies in the tub together?  Be still my heart!

We went to Summit's staff retreat at Ridge Crest for a few days and were able to spend some time in Asheville before the retreat started.  

Lucas helped Nana plant her garden:  

And wore himself and Lexi out playing ball and running up and down the hill in Nana and Poppy's backyard:

We spent an evening on Biltmore Estate.  We loved feeding the ducks, picking "blow flowers," and riding off into the sunset.

Side note, I would sleep like this every night if Brandon would let me:

But I can't.  But she's a cuddler!  Lucas was never a cuddler!  But I can't.  

Moving on.  We spent a day at the lake!  And Lucas learned to shave??

You see it's really been a whole lot of random busyness.  But the old blog has taken a backseat to chasing my two littles around, and I'm okay with that.  I'll try to do better to stay updated, of course, but if I don't, it's because I'm busy loving on these two.  

Saturday, May 30, 2015

here's to a new decade

Brandon is 30!  {wow, that sounds really old.  I can say that because I'm not quite there yet!}

I amazingly pulled off a surprise party with the help of Brandon's parents, my parents, and some good friends.  I sent Brandon to play golf with his dad and when they came home, friends and family were waiting for him at the house to celebrate.  We had a great time with so many people that we love.  And he really was surprised! 

Happy birthday, B.  We love you, celebrate you, and are thankful for you!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

addy: 6 months

Sweet girl,

You are 6 months old!  That's half of a year!  I can't believe it.  You have such a sweet sweet spirit and temperament about you.  You are a cuddler and a giggler and your pretty little eyes light up the room.  You smile all the time and on the rare occasion that you are cranky, your brother makes you crack up laughing by doing nothing at all and you snap right out of it.  I pray that you two always love each other fiercely and you stay best friends.  

You're a tall and skinny little thing.  I guess you get it honest, but it still surprises me.  At your 6 month visit to the pediatrician, you weighed in at 14 lbs 13 oz and were 26.5 inches tall.  You immediately smiled at the doctor when she walked in and made her lose her train of thought a few times because you kept grinning at her.  You do that to people.  You played with the crinkly paper on the exam table for the longest time and only cried for a second when you got your shots.  

You're doing a pretty good job sleeping at night.  You are so easy to put down for the night, you nurse and then we snuggle for a few minutes and I hold you tight and just smell you.  Don't think that's weird, it's just what mamas do.  When I put you down in your crib you are awake most of the time, but then you just fall asleep on your own.  I know I'm so lucky that you can do that.  Thank you.   You went for about 3 weeks where you were sleeping all night, but lately you have been getting up twice during the night again wanting to eat, but that's okay because that means you are growing.  (But you can sleep all night again soon, okay?)

You love to "talk" and have already perfected the squeal.  It must be a girl thing.

You're sitting up like it's no big deal.  You like to jump, a LOT.  You love your jumper, but mostly like to jump when standing on people's lap.  You jump all time time, burning all of your calories!

Your hair is growing in slowly but surely.  I love putting headbands on you, they are so so cute.  Sometimes we have little wardrobe fails (and Lucas quickly tells me, "mommy!  Addy's bow!  She looks like a pirate!") 

We adventured into the world of solid food.  This time, I wasn't looking forward to it, I'll be honest.  And you really weren't too amused at first.  

Daddy pushed you a little too hard with the sweet potatoes and you were a bit dramatic with your reaction...


 Sorry about that...but you are a cute little gagger!

You really are so go-with-the-flow.  You nap happily in your car seat or in your crib or strapped to me.  You are content to sit and watch the world around you and are so easy going.  I'm scared to even say outloud how good of a baby you are.  Because it seems too good to be true!


I can't wait to watch you grow but I'm already at a loss for how quickly time is passing.  I pray for you and your brother every day, and I am proud to be your mama. 

I can't imagine life without you, Addy bug.  We love you to pieces and are so so proud of you.  Happy half birthday, baby girl!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

mother's day

There are no words that could describe the love that I have for these two.  Lucas and Addy, you have made me the happiest mama in the world.  I pray that you see Jesus in me and you never remember a day that you don't know Him.  It is a privilege being your mommy.  I love you!

"Happy Mother's Day, Mommy!  These flowers are pretty just like you!"  {I melted.}

And to my own mom, there are no words that can explain how thankful I am for you.  For your guidance, support, prayers, wisdom, the list goes on and on.  I love you and pray that I'm just like you when I grow up!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

addy: 5 months

It's time for our 5 month update!  We are getting so close to the half a year mark it makes my head swirl.  Our Addy girl is as beautiful as ever!  We celebrated Easter as a family and once again I was reminded of what a gift these two beautiful children are from the Lord.  The meaning of Easter seems to become more and more weighty and beautiful every year as I see God's grace and goodness in raising our kids.  

In sibling news, there's lots of love between these two.  Lucas loves (I mean LOVES) this little girl and she just adores him and watches his every move.

She puts up with his crazy antics and always seems amused with the free entertainment around her.


And we have a sitter!  How?!  Only 5 months old and the girl is sitting.  She's got the world to see!  You can't see the world from laying down, am I right?

And the skinny minny has found her toes.  Delish.

She's sleeping pretty well at night, mostly just waking up once to eat.  And she loves her blankie and paci when she sleeps.  

Our sweet sweet Addy bug, you are beautiful on the inside and out.  Stay happy and giggly, little one!

Friday, March 20, 2015

addy: 4 months

Our little Addy bug (as she is affectionately called) is 4 months old!

My mom and I braved a double pediatrician visit with both kids while Brandon was in London.  Poor little Addy got a little overshadowed in the visit by her big brother and his antics, but in typical Addy fashion she just sat and quietly watched him and smiled.

Addy weighed in at 13 pounds, 11 ounces and was 25.5 inches tall.  She is in the 30th percentile for weight and 85th for height.  Tall and skinny still!
She is the sweetest baby, it's quite unbelievable.
She is so laid back, content to just sit and snuggle and watch the chaos around her that is our life most of the time.

Lucas can consistently make her laugh still, and the way she watches him makes my heart melt.

She freely gives out smiles and we have plenty of conversations.  She has learned lots of new noises lately, my recent favorite being a squeal.  All girls have to master a good squeal, right?
She rolls from belly to back and has rolled from back to belly only twice that we have seen.  She doesn't like being on her belly these days, so motivation to roll that way is lacking.

I swear she's close to sitting up.  She loves to sit and can balance for a few seconds now before toppling over. She likes to stand too, and has even balanced for a little while standing up next to her little play table.

We have entered the stage of putting everything in the mouth. All toys go immediately to the mouth, as well as clothing and my hands.  The girl loves to chew.
My poor girl still doesn't have much hair.  It's starting to thicken up a bit but it's still not a lot!  And what she has is still light in color.  Those eyes are brown with still some teases of hazel.
Her smile lights up the room.

We started operation-sleep-in-your-room this week.  And with that comes some cry-it-out tactics.  Our sweet girl has started to figure it out though after only 3 nights, and last night slept ALL night until 6am!  I couldn't believe it.  I may or may not have snuck into her room at 3am to check on her...don't judge me.  When she woke up at 6, I fed her and she slept until 7:30.  Finally.  Here's hoping that we do it again tonight.  Because mama's tired.

Did I mention the snuggles?  We have a snuggler. And I LOVE IT.

Our family is better with you in it, sweet Addy girl.  We love you!