Monday, June 30, 2014

lake living

Last weekend, we packed up and headed to the lake for a few days.  Brandon and Lucas picked me up from work on Wednesday so we could head on down and have a full day Thursday.  We weren't sure how it would work having Lucas fall asleep in the car on the way there and then move him to his bed at the lake, but we knew plenty of people who have done that with their kids so we decided to give it a try.  What's the worst that could happen, right?  Well...

He didn't sleep.  At all.  All night.  Not. One. Minute.  He fell asleep in the car around 9:00 (which is already an hour past his bedtime) and we arrived at the lake at 10:00.  So for one hour, he slept.  When we got to the house, MiMi took him downstairs to his room and tried to put him to sleep.  Brandon and I unloaded, got a snack, etc. and then heard Lucas and MiMi downstairs...awake.  So we went down there to lay down the iron fist and get him to sleep, which was a complete fail.  The child would not sleep.  I get it, he was excited, but he was exhausted.  I was up with him until 3:00 and let Brandon sleep for a while, then at the moment where I was in tears because I was so tired and my child would not show his love for me by letting me sleep for goodness sake, I went and woke Brandon up and shoved Lucas at him.  Your turn, daddy.  Brandon stayed up with him until about 5:00 when MiMi got back up and took over.  The whole time we were up with him we were trying to get him to go to sleep.  Lucas, see it's dark outside.  Everyone is asleep.  The ducks are asleep.  The boats are asleep.  Please. Sleep.  Not one minute, y'all.  

So Thursday morning we got up and had breakfast and watched my drunk acting child in his sleepy stupor still be giddy over the fact that we were at the lake.  We went down on the beach after breakfast and Lucas went straight for the water.  He and Brandon kayaked and Lucas rode the kiddie jet ski all by himself!

Right before lunchtime, we decided to take a boat ride.  I whipped out my new maternity bathing suit (awww yeah!) and embraced the awkward stage of pregnancy where a regular bathing suit doesn't work and a maternity suit is still a little big.  

Lucas was soaking up every minute of being on the boat.  He did everything from drive to ride Titanic style on the very front.

Within 30 seconds of the above picture being taken, Lucas turned around and walked straight to me, crawled up on my lap, and was OUT.

And shortly after that, so was I.  

To wrap up the sleep saga, he napped on the boat and then again at the house, and the next two nights were not pleasant and not filled with much sleep, but we still had a blast during the days.  

We went on a search for the family of geese every day and brought them bread.  We were lucky enough to have them come straight up to the dock one afternoon.  Lucas was thrilled, and ate about half of their bread. Silly goose.

I know I shouldn't be surprised by this, but Lucas wanted to jump off of the dock into the water to Brandon.  I am so mad at myself that I didn't get a picture or a video!  It's a 3 or 4 foot drop down into the water, and my little daredevil did it.  Three times.  

He also rode the real jet ski.  As I was yelling "slow down!" from the dock, Lucas was yelling "faster Daddy, faster!" from the jet ski.  No surprise there. 

The evenings were filled with sunset boat rides across beautiful Lake James where we stopped the boat for frequent dance parties, requested of course by Lucas.  That boy's got some moves, I tell you.  One night he dropped it like it's hot in a Barbie life jacket (because his was wet from earlier in the day) to a wide genre of songs ranging from rap to Let It Go from Frozen.  Yes, I have videos.  

On Saturday before we left, my parents brought their boat out for a quick spin with Lucas.  Lucas loved driving Poppy's boat fast and watching Nana ski!  

We cherish our time at the lake surrounded by God's beauty and people we love.  Cheers to summer days on the water!