I have a confession. I used to be really grossed out by cloth diapers. Who wants poop in your washing machine?! Also, I was 'that person' that was secretly annoyed at the super trendy cloth diapering moms who snubbed their noses at people who used disposables (gasp!) and let everyone under the sun know that they were green and clearly love the environment more than everyone else....you know the kind. But as our good Lord gave me a dose of humility...again...here we are, cloth diapering.
If you have ever looked into the world of cloth diapering, it's intimidating and massive. There are like 12 billion different products and brands and everyone has their opinion on what works best. What we learned right off the bat is not to really listen to everyone else. The "oh that system leaks" or "don't waste your money on that, it didn't work for my kid" comments don't matter. It's what works for
your baby and
your lifestyle. So what do we use? The Gro-via hybrid/AI2 system!
Here's how it works. The diapers have 2 parts. An outer waterproof (very cute) shell and a snap-in organic cotton soaker pad. The shell can be used for multiple diaper changes and the soaker pads can be switched out when wet. The shells have a snap sizing feature so they can grow with your baby like this:
Hesitations (in no particular order) and how I got over them:
1. Poop in my washing machine? - I had to get over this. First, breast milk is water soluble. I didn't quite believe this until little man pooped in the bath tub one night and it just disintegrated. Literally. I know this will happen in my washing machine. And let's be honest, diapers aren't the only thing that gets poop on them. Poop will be in your washing machine when you have a baby. Period. When we start solids and the poop gets most substantial (for a nice way of putting it), they make Bioliners that lay in the diapers to catch the poop, the pee goes through it into the soaker pad, so when you change it you just flush the liner and poop. Easy peasy.
2. It's going to stink - no it doesn't. We use a lined wet bag (and have a travel sized one) that impressively holds in the stench. We have a little cloth that we keep in the bags that I dot with tea tree and lavender oils to keep it smelling fresh.
3. Volume of laundry - It turns out to be about 2-3 extra loads per week. We wash diapers every 2-3 days. Really not a big deal.
4. Fear of people thinking I'm being 'trendy' - Ashley, get over yourself.
A few reasons why we decided to do this (in no particular order):
1. Cost - diapers are expensive. Period. You buy them, they get pooped and peed on, and you throw them away. OUCH. The average family spends about $2000 per kid for disposable diapers until they are potty trained. We got everything for our cloth stash for about $400. And, you can use them for multiple children. Score!
2. It's nicer on the tooshie - Our little man has sensitive skin :( And the fluffy cloth pads are way nicer on his skin. It seems to wick away the poop so it doesn't sit on his bum.
3. Mother Earth thanks us - Diapers sit in landfills. I think that's gross. (And no, I'm not a tree hugging hippy.)
4. Gro-vias give us a hybrid option - We chose the AI2 (all-in-2) system because it means less laundry, washing one soaker pad per change and one shell every 3 changes or so. Gro-via makes an all-in-1 system as well, but we chose not to use that. Also, we haven't tried them yet, but they make Biosoakers that are inserts to use instead of the cotton soaker pads. These guys are disposable, but biodegradable. Supposed to be really nice for traveling!
5. They are so.stinking.cute! - We oftentimes hang out in just a diaper because they are just that adorable. And it makes you want to spank that squishy little booty. See below.
Lucas only a few weeks old, looking tiny in his owl print!
Timeout for this picture below... Can I just say that Lucas looks so happy to be hanging in his diaper, and also he looks like he's doing the soulja boy. My kid is seriously such a stud.
The shells also work GREAT as a swim diaper!!
In a nutshell, we love our gro-vias! I was super intimidated at first, but really it's so easy. If you want more information about Gro-vias, click